A printer is an output device that prints paper documents. This includes text documents,images or combination of both.The printed output produced by a printer is called a hard copy.The first computer printer designed was a mechanical driven apparatus by Charles Babbage for his difference engine in the 19th century, the first electronic printer was the Epsion (EP-101) invented by Japanese company Epsion and released in 1968.
Photo credit: HP
There are mainly two types of printers
1 Impact Printers 2 Non Impact Printers
Impact Printers
This is an old type of printer technology which is still in use. This type of printer works on direct contact of an ink ribbon with paper. These types of printers are a little noisy but these are still in use. There Mainly six types of impact printers namely as
1. Dot Matrix Printer
2. Daisy-wheel Printer
3. Line Printer
4. Drum Printer
5.Chain Printer
6. Band Printer
Non Impact Printers
These are modern technology printers which are widely used these days.Generally these types are much quieter than impact printers.In which no physical contact with printing paper. In which two methods of printing are used, one is laser and other is jet spray. These types of printing are mainly four types namely as
1. Inkjet Printer
2. Laser Printer
3. Thermal Printer
4. Electromagnetic Printer
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